Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gnudis etc.

A simple breakfast of fruit salad
with mineola oranges, apples, blueberries, and bananas...

was followed by a leftover lunch
of roasted vegetables on whole wheat sandwich thins drizziled with balsamic vinegar. 

While all that was wonderful and yummy, the best was dinner.  
Ricotta Gnudi in a Parmesan Broth.  A Giada recipe that is just divine.  It was in her "Everyday Pasta" cookbook, you should definitely try and get your hands on it.   
I mixed whole milk ricotta cheese with Parmesan cheese, flour, parsley, basil, salt, and garlic (my idea!)
I was supposed to add an egg in, but SOMEONE ate the last one for breakfast yesterday.  That same someone was so proud of herself for using up the last egg and forgot that she had ALREADY PLANNED to use the egg in this recipe.  Don't worry, though.  She is smart.  She made the binding agent by mixing flax seeds and water. 
Yeah, baby!
As water simmers in a pot in the stove, form the mix into little balls and dredge them in flour. 
Drop them into the simmering water and scoop them out when they float to the top.
They LOOK bland, but they taste amazing.  I tried one as soon as it came out, and I was STUNNED by how delicious it was.  
Just before serving, I sauteed it in butter.  It was my idea, but since I made the gnudi before lunch when I had time, they needed to be warmed.  
 The sauce was homemade chicken broth that I had frozen a while ago,
reduced at a simmer until it was about 1/2 as much.   
 I sprinkled Parmsean cheese over it all at the end.  

It was a great day to eat. 

